How Porn Affects the Brain

In today’s modern society, pornography is not something that many people would find offensive. Unfortunately, that means that watching porn has become much more mainstream, which can be detrimental for a variety of reasons.

Today we want to discuss how pornography affects the brain – specifically, how it can create addictive behaviors in people who watch it frequently. If you are one of those people, then it’s imperative to see if you exhibit these behaviors so that you can overcome them.

Porn Watching Statistics

When you look at how many people are viewing porn on a regular basis, the numbers become quite troubling. According to recent data, up to 30% of all online traffic is pornographic. 70% of men watch it, compared to 30% of women.

12% of all websites on the internet are porn related, and around 40 million Americans view it on a regular basis. Up to 25% of all searches are also about porn.

Looking at these figures, it’s clear that porn viewership is astronomically high. Clearly, a lot of people are watching pornography, but what kind of effect does that have on their brains?

Porn and Addiction

When it comes to other activities like drinking or gambling, there are mountains of evidence to prove that people can become addicted. However, when talking about porn viewing habits and their impact, the data is less abundant.

However, there are plenty of signs that show that porn watching can change the way that we think, specifically how we view relationships, intimacy, and sexual impulses. Not only that, but it can rewire your brain and how you feel.

When you watch porn regularly, it can transform your neural pathways and make the experience much more habit-forming. Over time, it will become much easier to engage in the activity, and it will seem more and more desirable.

As with other addictions, tolerance is another issue. When porn becomes too accessible, you start to crave more and more of it to get the same sensation. What could begin as a passing interest can turn into a full-blown addiction, and you may not even notice.

Porn and Intimacy

Along with the addictive behavior of watching porn, it can warp your sense of intimacy and relationships. Because the world of pornography is absent of both of these things, the most important thing is fantasy and engaging in sexual urges, not building a lasting bond with another person.

Simply put, the more that you watch porn, the more that you begin to believe that it’s real. The feelings it offers are real enough, so why not everything else about it? As you can imagine, this effect can put tremendous strain on existing and future relationships.

Are You Addicted?

If you watch porn, it’s easy to believe that you can stop at any time and that it doesn’t have a stranglehold on your brain. However, it’s a mistake to think that it is either harmless or having zero effect on your mind. Repeated exposure will change the way you act and the way you think, period.

But how can you be sure if you’re suffering from these symptoms? What steps can you take to assess your situation? Here are some considerations to think about during this process.

How often do you watch it?

One of the essential questions you have to ask yourself is how often you’re engaging in your viewing habits. If it’s frequent enough, it could be taking control of your life. For example, if you find yourself watching daily or multiple times per day, it could be a sign that you’re addicted.

Do you think about porn often?

One of the side effects of watching pornography is that it creates strong neural pathways in the brain. The experience is so impactful that it rewires your thinking. You can’t help but think about it and how much you enjoy it. Like an addict imagining getting high, porn stays on your mind all the time.

One sure sign that you’re addicted is if you think about it when you know that you shouldn’t. If this happens regularly, it could signal that you can’t help yourself.

Do you use porn as a coping mechanism?

Another primary reason that watching porn can be so addictive is that it replaces other treatment options. Instead of seeking out productive behaviors, you use porn as a way to feel better about yourself.

For example, if you suffer from depression, you may think that watching porn can offer some kind of relief, but the fact is that any pleasure it provides is fleeting at best and destructive at worst. Relying on such a temporary fix can make the effects even more pronounced.

Bottom Line

Overall, watching pornography is a dangerous behavior, regardless of how you feel about it.

Just because it’s becoming more mainstream doesn’t mean that it’s harmless, and you should avoid going down such a path. With the right treatment, you can find the way to recovery and have a better life.