In today’s modern society, pornography is not something that many people would find offensive. Unfortunately, that means that watching porn has become much more mainstream, which can be detrimental for a variety of reasons. Today we want to discuss how pornography affects the brain – specifically, how it can create addictive behaviors in people who …
It’s Never Too Late to Say Sorry – Making Amends During Porn Addiction Recovery
When most people think about addicts and recovery, they imagine coming back from things like hard drugs or alcohol. However, any activity can become an addiction if it adversely affects your life, and porn can be just as damaging as any drug. However, porn addiction doesn’t have to be your downfall. No matter what kind …
One Helluva Drug: Porn is Addictive and Here are the Facts
Becoming a teenager means that there are a lot of changes your child will experience. First, school will become increasingly difficult, which can cause more stress and anxiety than before. Second, your teen will have to learn how to forge friendships and relationships with his or her peers. As kids, it was a lot easier …
What Should I Tell Her? Talking to Your Fiance About Porn Addiction and Your Recovery
If you’re getting ready to marry the girl of your dreams, a lot of things come with the territory. Before you say “I do,” it’s imperative that you open up and share everything you can about yourself. If you are asking her to commit to you fully, then you can’t be hiding any secrets. For …
What if My Wife Finds Out? Exploring The Benefits And Challenges Of Disclosing To Your Spouse About Your Porn Addiction
Is pornography starting to take over your life? Do you find yourself hiding your habits from your spouse for fear of her finding out? If so, then you are probably suffering from pornography addiction. Unfortunately, these days porn is not as stigmatized as it used to be. Many people are now under the impression that …
Unfulfilled – How Beating Porn Addiction Can Lead to Better Happiness
These days, many people watch explicit adult content. Due to the proliferation of this kind of material, it’s far too easy to experience it on a regular basis. Unfortunately, it’s so tempting that it can easily become addictive. The rush you feel from watching porn can be akin to getting high, which can create a …
Should I Tell My Wife? Talking to Your Spouse About Your Porn Addiction
One of the most difficult things to experience as a person is realizing that you are engaging in addictive behaviors. Usually, we can deny the fact that we’re addicted by pretending that we can stop whenever we like. However, over time, it becomes more and more apparent that we’re powerless over our addiction. Porn addiction …
Supplication Is The Fortress Of The Believer – Protecting Yourself From Porn Addiction With Your Supplications
In the modern world, pornography is everywhere. As technology brings us closer together, it’s never been easier to access explicit images, whether it’s on the computer or your smartphone. Because of this abundance of material, it can sometimes feel overwhelming if you’re trying to avoid it. What’s making matters worse is the fact that society …
How to Work With Your Spouse to Beat Porn Addiction
More and more these days, porn addiction is becoming a serious issue for couples everywhere. The abundance and accessibility to explicit material is a significant factor in this, but the other problem is that most addicts don’t seek the help that they need. If your spouse is suffering from porn addiction, you may be worried …
“I’m Not Addicted!” How to Get Your Spouse to Realize the Truth of Porn Addiction
Now that pornography has become mainstream and widely accepted, it’s never been harder to avoid it in our lives. Unfortunately, the act of viewing porn can be such a tempting behavior that it’s extremely easy to become dependent on it. Just because something is popular doesn’t mean that it’s right, and porn has a nasty …