Unfortunately, these days watching pornography is becoming more and more common. There is a lot less stigma around the act of viewing explicit material, and many people believe that doing so is “harmless.” However, as with any activity, there is more to it than meets the eye. Porn can lead to addiction, which can have …
But I Don’t Want To Turn Back To Allah – How Your Spiritual Wounds Are Fueling Your Sexually Addictive Behaviors
For some people, keeping the faith is a long and difficult journey. When you are tempted at every turn, it can seem like an insurmountable challenge to maintain your spiritual self at all times. One modern temptation that can have the most impact on your faith can be pornography. Its abundance and accessibility have created …
How Viewing Porn Effects Sexual Desire and Performance
While pornography wasn’t the reason that the internet was invented, it has certainly had the effect of increasing both the ease in which it is accessed and the amount of pornography available to the general public. People have turned to the internet to access varied sources of pornography that were not available in the past. …
What if They Find Out? How Porn Addiction Affects Social Anxiety
These days, it’s never been easier to spend more and more of your time online. The internet can be a powerful tool, but it can also be a powerful temptation, especially when it comes to pornography. While there are many different effects of porn on the brain, one element that most people don’t realize is …
When is it Time to Intervene? Understanding How to Help a Muslim Couple Impacted by Sex Addiction
If you’re a counselor working with a Muslim couple impacted by infidelity or pornography addiction, read this article for insights on how to best help them.