In the modern world, pornography is everywhere. As technology brings us closer together, it’s never been easier to access explicit images, whether it’s on the computer or your smartphone. Because of this abundance of material, it can sometimes feel overwhelming if you’re trying to avoid it. What’s making matters worse is the fact that society has appeared to normalize the practice of viewing porn, meaning that many people don’t see an issue with it.
For most people, the danger of porn addiction is a looming presence that can influence their everyday lives. They don’t have the luxury of protection offered by having guiding principles that can help them overcome the lust and attraction that comes with porn addiction.
As a religious person, you have the most powerful ally at your side. However, are you utilizing His protection to keep you from succumbing to this addiction?
Supplication is the act of asking for something in earnestness, typically from a higher power. A prayer of supplication is to ask God to assist you in your struggle, no matter what it may be. While you can use supplication for a variety of purposes, nowhere is it more prudent than when battling porn addiction.
Why is Supplication So Powerful?
If you have prayed in supplication before, you know that it can be a liberating experience. It requires such devotion on your part that you can feel yourself being held in God’s hands. Praying with sincere belief means that you are giving yourself to His will, which can help you realize that your struggle is not just your own. You are not fighting these temptations by yourself, but rather you are giving in to His will.
When you pray in supplication, you can transform your ability to protect yourself from outside threats such as porn. When you allow God to come in and take over, it’s not only liberating, but it’s empowering. It’s recognizing that your capabilities as a person are limited, so you are asking for assistance when you need it the most.
How to Utilize Supplications Effectively
The definition of supplication is “the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.” However, if you want to make sure that you are doing it correctly, you can’t just sit down and beg God to help you. It requires total commitment to His will and a surrendering of your spirit. If you genuinely want His assistance, you have to make your prayers count. Thus, here are some ways to ensure that this is the case.
Recognize That You Have a Problem
One of the most significant dangers of porn addiction is that addicts don’t recognize their affliction. They believe that watching porn is just a part of modern life, which means that they see no reason to stop. What can make this feeling more profound is when addicts believe that their actions have zero consequences. After all, why should you stop looking at porn when nothing harmful is happening as a result?
The first step towards supplication is recognizing that your actions are creating consequences, even if they are not immediately visible to you. You must understand that porn addiction can have drastic repercussions, especially if you engage in this behavior for a long time. The sooner that you can come to this realization, the easier it will be to give yourself to Him.
Understand That You Need Help
The second reason that addiction is so difficult to overcome is that people have an inherent belief that they can stop whenever they like. As humans, we don’t want to give up control over our actions, no matter how much evidence may suggest that we are not the ones in charge. You may delude yourself into thinking that you can beat your addiction without any outside help, but the fact is that the effects of it are much more profound than you realize.
To allow supplication to offer protection, you must first accept that you are not capable of overcoming your addiction on your own. Not only must you seek His guidance and will, but you must work with others to ensure that you stay on the path toward recovery.
One thing that most addicts fail to understand is that recovery is much more than avoiding porn for a little while. If you want to free yourself from your addiction, you must maintain a porn-free environment for the rest of your life; otherwise, what’s the point? When you start to think about your addiction as a lifelong struggle, it’s easier to come to terms with the fact that you need help.
Commit to Your Faith
Finally, because supplication requires total earnestness and humility, you can’t pray for His guidance without an absolute belief in His abilities to assist you. You must relinquish control over your actions and recognize that His will is going to supersede yours.
Part of this commitment also means to pray in supplication as many times as necessary. As with all prayers, it’s never a “one and done” type of approach. Although He will hear you, battling addiction is a long-term struggle – one that requires constant commitment. If you are not ready to give yourself to Him each time you are faced with temptation, then you will never stay on the path to recovery.