Pay What You Can AffordHow It Works
1. Join the Program
2. Learn and Participate
3. Reclaim Your Life
"I was associated with Purify Your Gaze for quite sometime and wallahi my participation in this program was THE BEST thing that ever happened to me."Purify Your Gaze Member, USA
"I've been through two other programs prior to the Purify Your Gaze program, and one thing I remember was different about this was I actually looked forward to watching the modules and found myself doing the work of recovery whereas previously it all felt like a chore or a 'homework' I just had to do. This is the first program that I have gone through where I've taken notes and I actually consistently find myself going through and reviewing them in my notebook."Purify Your Gaze Member, USA
The biggest Aha moment for me came when I saw how predictable my behaviors and choices were. I used to believe acting out sexually was inevitable due to the high amount of sexual triggers around me and the fact I had a high sex drive. When I sat down to analyze the majority of the times I’ve relapsed, being truly honest with myself I recognized that it mainly had to do with the state of my emotions. This was the first time I really saw a light out of this hole and believed that I could overcome this.Purify Your Gaze Member, USA
“When I started this program my relationship with Allah was dysfunctional, I thought of Him like my parents that He was just mad at me and wanted to punish me for being so bad and alhamdulilah through the program slowly started to get back to where I make duaa and believe in my heart that Allah will answer me.”Purify Your Gaze Member, Canada
"Jazaak Allaahu khayraa Br. Zeyad and to Purify Your this program really gave the missing piece for me in defining *exactly* and *clearly* what my intended destination is and what the journey is about, at every moment of my life, from point A: addiction to destination point B: sobriety. The information you shared about reclaiming one’s healthy sexuality was also very interesting. It was an aspect of my recovery I had not really considered.” Purify Your Gaze Member, United States
"My breakthrough was I was able to see the process from childhood to now, and how the addiction was operating. For everyone it’s different, but that pattern of primary parenting being missing, to seeking out some constant pleasure, to having that turn into an addiction and burying your emotions/self worth and self esteem into complete isolation makes A LOT of sense to me. Climbing back out of this hole into daylight is definitely not gonna happen overnight… but small steps in sha Allah with the help of others, support structures, and Allah swt it is not impossible! I cannot thank you enough br. Zeyad for putting this course together."Purify Your Gaze Member, USA
"I’ve got easily some 20 odd years of sexual addiction in all its manifestations, I’m married and I have children, when I came to br. Zeyad it was at least after 5 years trying to knuckle down and get this under control. Since I’ve started working this program, I’ve had ZERO episodes of acting out, looking at pornography, my gaze is lowered on the street, I can drive to and from work without paying attention to anyone that is around me. My children notice the difference, my wife notices the difference, my own mother tells me how I’ve become a wonderful person, probably the first time I’ve heard that one in well over 20 years…"Purify Your Gaze Member, USA
"One of the things this program has allowed me to do is increase the trust again with my spouse. I used to keep my home office door closed and shut but now I keep it open and told my wife I’m not going to be paranoid, I want you to come in without knocking as you please. And that’s one of the things we established together."Purify Your Gaze Member, USA
"After years of hating myself and feeling that God hated me and treating myself poorly...I felt forgiven. I suddenly felt like the 10 year old version of myself: happy and carefree. I saw Allah working these changes (sometimes daily) seamlessly into my life and I opened my heart to the love."Purify Your Gaze Member, USA
"When I called in two weeks ago, one of the things I mentioned was how this addiction caused me sleep deprivation but through this program you helped me create boundaries and find a healthy outlet of exercise that got me so tired that by the end of the night I was naturally ready for sleep and didn’t need to turn to anything else to relax and calm down.”Purify Your Gaze Member, USA
"Alhamdulillah through the program I’ve started to realize that this may be Allah’s way of making me stronger and making me better because I’m going to face things in life that may be difficult, and the skills that I learned and the strengthening of my relationship with Allah, and my self-empowerment would be valuable so I kind of think about it this way now. This is not Allah’s way of punishing me but maybe a blessing in disguise that I would never have thought of. Ever since I’ve began thinking this way, alhamdulilah I get up in the morning now and believe anything is possible in my life…” Purify Your Gaze Member, USA
Frequently Asked Questions
As a participant in the program you have a number of ways to stay committed and to receive accountability:
1) You will have a personalized dashboard that shows you what you have and haven't completed in the program and what your next priority is.
2) You can receive support 24/7/365 through our private forums and ask any questions that you may have.
3) You can hop on one of our weekly live mastermind sessions where you can participate on this facilitated session with other members.
4) You will be assigned a team member from Purify Your Gaze who will be your contact person throughout the duration of your participation in the program and will be holding you accountable.
They will be reaching out to you by email should you ever fall off track and you can schedule a session by phone to help you get back into the groove and focus you had before.
In short, you have a great support system to help keep you committed and encourage you on the path to healing and change but in the end this is a partnership!
With our support, you of course have to do your part to receive the benefits that this program will bring.
Firstly, when it comes to billing, your credit card charges will come from "Imancipate LLC" the parent company of Purify Your Gaze and will not appear as "Purify Your Gaze" in your bank or card statements.
Moreover nothing in the mail will be sent to you or to your home address, we won't even ask you for this information when you are registering as this program is 100% online.
Secondly, all your participation in the program will be through a private nickname that you will select after you have completed your successful registration.
All members will only see this nickname when you post anything on the site.
This is the nickname that we also recommend that you use when you participate on the live calls as well.
When you are struggling with sexually addictive behaviors, regardless of whether you are a man or woman, the forces that drive the addiction, such as core self-limiting beliefs, feelings of deep inadequacy or low self esteem, are all the same for both genders.
Our program addresses those underlying factors. More than that we have female staff on board to help you work through some of the considerations and challenges that are sensitive to your journey as a woman.
This is what a past female Purify Your Gaze member has to say to other women out there:
"I just wanted to say to any sisters who may be reading this and feel intimidated to begin the process of healing…don’t be afraid. I am a sister who joined the program and had the most life changing 6 months of my life. Alhamdullilah, the realizations Allah swt helped me make through this program were critical to my growth, not only to end this addiction, but to be a better human being and Muslim.
Everyday of those six months was a new learning process and in retrospect was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life as I could feel myself growing closer and closer to Allah swt. Now, over a year later, I am still learning more about myself. Please don’t let any of this “it’s a guy thing” make you feel bad or embarrassed. It’s definitely not a guy thing, we all deal with our hurt and pain from life differently and there are PLENTY of women who have turned to pornography or sexual addiction. You owe it to yourself, as the highest creation of Allah swt, as a person who will make mistakes and have ups and downs, to start on this path to change."
Empowering changes in the way you think, believe, and respond. And those changes will incrementally build on top of the next set of little steps.
We don't like to put a timetable for how long this will be as each person has their own set of considerations but we have designed a lifestyle and relationships change curriculum that takes on average between 1.5 to 2 years to complete.
As stated in the question above, authentic changes that address the entirety of your being and your life are going to take time. There's no going around that!
What we are concerned with is that you face the reality of your unwanted behavior, you stop hiding from them and that you take the steps to change your life!
The hard truth is that this addiction will always result in loss; whether it be in the form of personal heartache, relationship losses, lost productivity at work or school.
For some, it led to them even consider taking their own lives.We’ve seen these realities and stories at Purify Your Gaze and we don't want you to continue to struggle in this pain anymore.
More than that, we know we can help!
Sometimes it's just easier to settle in the status quo and accept it as is rather than entertain the idea of having to leave your zone of comfort and face the scary unknown!
Creating intentional change means living differently and being a little open and vulnerable to the process and often not knowing what's coming next. When you're open and vulnerable to new possibilities, there's that irrational fear, "I may make a mistake" or "I may get hurt" or "If I'm not perfect others will reject me".
Whatever that fear is, here's the bottom line...
The status quo that you are settling for is consistent heartache, frustration, self-hate, despair. That's what the addiction promises and it sure does deliver!
To defeat fear, you need to channel your inner courage. It's the courage to put things out there as they are and not to be afraid of being seen like a confused child who doesn't know anything.
It's the courage to resist the urge of having to be the "Know-It-All" who doesn't need any help and in fact should be telling others what to do. It's the courage to challenge your ego and to take that higher step. We can go on and on, but the point is you in fact are being courageous at this very moment, and perhaps you don't even realize it.
When you join the Purify Your Gaze Program, just come as yourself, not as Superman. That's all that's required!
After you join, we assign a particular member of our team to help orient you to the program and get you started on the right steps.
You will likely hear from them and receive a personal welcome email in your first days as a member.
If you have a question at that point, all you have to is reach out! We are here to help! 🙂
Our curriculum at Purify Your Gaze is designed to not only help you stop your unwanted behaviors but also to treat the underlying root causes driving your unwanted behaviors which are often rooted in some sort of trauma.
Moreover, we believe that you have to heal all the parts of you — mind, body, and spirit — to fully break free from an addictive lifestyle. Our holistic approach will address the entirety of your being rather than the noticeable symptoms. All of this will take time.
The path to freedom is not linear either, there are setbacks, bumps on the road, highs and lows in motivation, unexpected challenges that arise. It’s really inspiring to hear about heroic before and after snippets but what is often lost in those snippets is the journey is the hard work, the real struggle, and the time that was spent to realize this change.
As much as we want results overnight, there is an undeniable reality that real change does take time.
If, for whatever reason, you no longer want to be a member, simply send us an email at, and we’ll direct you to how you can promptly cancel your membership from our website.