Celebrating Five Years At Purify Your Gaze

It was 12:04 AM on December 11th, 2010.

I was wide awake and could not sleep.

Minutes before, I just had closed the registration to the first public online recovery program offered by Purify Your Gaze.

Alhamdulilah 174 men and women from across the globe had completed their enrollment and put their faith in me that I would facilitate and deliver God-willing a transformational 5 week program for them.

The four weeks prior, 33,000 individuals took part in a global awareness and education campaign on pornography and sex addiction within the Muslim world that I spearheaded with the partnership of prominent Islamic personalities and organizations.

This was the largest public event I had organized in my life and I was relieved the exciting, and intense roller coaster ride my life was on those past four weeks was over.

Five years later and by the Grace of God of course in hindsight that initial launch period was just the beginning of one heck of a ride alhamdulilah for me personally, and professionally.

I am very proud, and immensely grateful of what has been accomplished to-date and where we are at today with Purify Your Gaze.

The Purify Your Gaze program has evolved from being a program that is offered publicly only four times a year when it first launched in December 2010 facilitated by me to now being open and ready to serve customers 24/7 by a dedicated and outstanding team.

Thousands have have gone through our flagship programs from over thirty-five countries and I’ve personally alongside with my team have heard, and received countless stories of progress, hope restored, lives and marriages saved from our members.

The future is very bright alhamdulilah!

As the Founder of Purify Your Gaze, I wanted to take a moment and say THANK YOU to:

Our customers for your vulnerability and trust for us with such a personal and sensitive matter in your lives and allowing us to lovingly instruct and guide you on the path to freedom and change.

Our partners including Islamic organizations, Imams, religious chaplains, social workers and counselors for helping us collectively raise awareness and referring clients to our program.

Our wonderful and outstanding Purify Your Gaze staff and volunteers for being passionate embodiments of our mission and helping make this recovery journey for our members an unforgettable and safe experience.

What would be amazing is if we can collectively share any special or memorable moments or experiences you’ve in the past five years with Purify Your Gaze below or what Purify Your Gaze has meant for you in the comments section. Here’s to another amazing five years ahead in sha Allah!
  • Y says:

    in the past 5 years, I went through tremendous experience to increase awarness, recovery, character improvement, getting rid of bad habits, embracing good ones, I attended 12 steps programs and other books and material. I came across PYG and have really enjoyed and still do, reading your articles, watching videos, lectures, the uniqueness you offer is understanding of now just how sexaholics/sex addicts experience but the muslims ones, muslim perspective as you know religion and addiciton can be a wierd mix, still very confusing one for me, I had a friend who completed PYG, he still relapses frequently even after he is done with program, but i guess if it wasnt for PYG, he might still be out there, he now attends SA and continue to heal and improve, thu no permenant sobriety yet, me personally never joined PYG, really almost have no faith in any program that is going to do miracle and grant you sobriety, rather it is an ongoing struggle and improvement .. slam alaikum

    • @Y: Thank you brother for taking the time to comment.

      I am in agreement with you that there is not going to be a program out there that will do you a miracle out of its own accord. That’s the mistake most people make, jumping from one program to the next.

      Like the saying goes, “Behind the door of great opportunity, you will always find hard work greeting you.”

      What we offer at Purify Your Gaze is a great opportunity to be given clarity, direction, tools, and guidance to not only understand what is at the root of one’s pornography or sex addiction but also how to get back your old true self and your life again.

      More importantly we also offer the opportunity for support and the accountability to make those necessary changes that will get one back to living life fully.

      If you don’t work the program or utilize it to its fullest capacity, then you cannot expect results. Alhamdulilah there are plenty who have utilized the opportunity that PYG presents and are at a better place today as a result of it.

      I’m not sure which program your friend has taken part in, whether it was our self-study programs or our interactive and supportive program but we’d be happy to support him through.

      We’d be also happy to have you and others who have followed along PYG for some time but never had the PYG program experience to join us.

  • Anonymous says:

    I just want to say how truly blessed I am of finding PYG… Even though I am still in recovery, I am feeling better than I have ever felt in my entire life.
    God bless you Zeyad and all of your staff for all the great work you have done! My life wouldn’t be the same without all your help.

  • sister-Misbah says:

    Assalamu alaikum ustadh Zeyad,

    Congratulations on the 5 years milestone with PYG!! Masha’Allah.

    I remember how I was so hopeless when I first joined the program in 2011, and pretty much in a very dark place. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen and I was looking for a quick-fix solution. But subhanAllah, I never imagined myself being where I am today, after having grown so much (and am still growing), by the Rahma of Allah and the help of your program.

    Growth isn’t always easy, but through the right support and environment, it’s very much possible and very beautiful.

    The support and level of acceptance this program provides is unmatched to anything else out there. It’s a really special, baraka-filled place, and I wouldn’t have imagined that Allah SWT out of His immense Rahma would give us hope and healing through your program.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve done for us and continue to do so. May Allah reward you immensely, and allow your efforts to transcend to others seeking help. BarakAllahu feek.

    Here’s to another 10 successful years for PYG insha Allah!

    • Sr Dove says:

      Happy birthday PYG 🙂

      I remember when I joined I thought I was crazy, then I heard another woman’s voice! Hearing her voice gave me courage to speak up, that opened the door for much healing and growth.

      Another memorable experience was when I opened up to my family about what I was going through. I thought they would reject me, ostracize me or something, but the opposite occurred. The happiness I felt after was absolutely immense! I did it with the help of the program, the support of Zeyad, my accountability buddy, and the inspiration of the woman who opened up to her brother before me, hearing how he had been really supportive beyond belief, alhamdulilah!

      I was able to move forward in my recovery with a holistic support system, that included an empowering knowledge base that Zeyad taught, coaching, peer support and inspiration, and being free of the secrecy that perpetuates the addiction cycle. Alhamdulilah.

      A shout out if you’re a woman struggling in silence and reading this, you are not alone.

      Here’s to another five years!

  • Liberty says:

    May Allah bless PYG. It was a life changing experience. Takes a lot of courage and I’m happy I was able to be part of coaching.

  • Seeking tranquility says:

    Happy birthday to PYG. I am actually one of the many youth or Millenials if you like who once in a while(sometimes on a consistency basis) do it that it became a normal part of live. Fortunately I recognized it as a problem that is stopping me from achieving my goals such as
    1. Learning:
    I don’t attend college lessons and I just cram before exam just to get 1st class.
    I procrastinated to benefit from the MOOC Revolution. I remember reading it in business and news sites in 2012 the rise of Udacity, Coursera, edx, Treehouse, etc but I enrolled for free classes in 2013 only to find myself discontinuing the course soon. I again recently started another course but I am not actively following it.
    Even the Deen, I want to take Islamic studies course at IOU but four years down, I have not started yet.
    The problem is not online learning. In fact I enjoy online education more than traditional one. The problem is my addictions are making me procrastinate to, miss fajr sometimes or pray khushoo’less salah, ignore my health or fail to follow my life priorities.
    2. Business.
    I dreamt of starting a business for years but I never have the confidence to start. I will give myself excuses like their is no skill I am good at especially tech that my idea(s) is based on, I don’ have money to start or outsource my idea and my hundreds LinkedIn connections are not real business connections, etc.
    The problem my addictions make me weak in faith and this had caused me waste lots of years without any worthwhile achievement, lost amazing opportunities to learn, improve myself or start a business.
    I came across this website at onislam.net or productivemuslim.com two yrs ago but till now I have not subscribed to the Program because it is expensive. I think you assumed that every PYG wannabe student lives in rich countries like Qatar or developed ones like German.
    I am a hustling foreign student in India. In fact I have not arrived internet banking. All I do is withdraw the little money from my account that my sponsors and family send me and this barely pays rent, food, transport, etc.
    I fully believe in the power of your program just as I believe in the power of Udacity nanodegrees or Ummul Qura University Degrees.
    So I am thinking as a celebration for your anniversary, will you allow me to access one or two important Courses of yours with regards to healing and breaking free from sexual addictions in 2016 only. Given that I am Aspiring entrepreneur, you never know I may only become a successful businessman but will also support PYG financially or even go far to pay for those who would like to benefit from the Program but cannot afford in sha Allah.

    • Seeking tranquility says:

      Correction: “I have not arrived my internet banking”, I meant activated, not arrived. I think you will forgive my grammatical errors and you understood my message. Anyways, I am not a native speaker of this language. Thank you.

  • Brother says:

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarkatuhu,
    I came to know about PYG through a you tube video. Though I joined for only one month program because of my financial problems, but I enjoyed it. That was the my safest Ramadan. Discussing problems with the people was really very helpful. The environment you have created there is amazing. For the first time in my life I was discussing my biggest problem with experts.
    Alhamdulillah, what you are doing for this ummah is unrewardable. Only Allah can reward you for this. And InshaAllah Allah will.
    I have promised myself that I have to join them again to recover fully.
    Just waiting for the right time.
    Brothers Zayed, may Allah reward you with the best. Aameen.
    And congrats for your victory. ✌