Why Do So Many Practicing Muslims Struggle With Porn?

Let me paint a picture for you. I’m in my 20s, I’m an active member of my Muslim community through a variety of organizations and I’m well-liked by my peers. Uncles and aunties rely on me as a speaker in the community and expect for me to be an inspiration to their children. My peers …

12 Marriage Prep Advice Gems from Popular Muslim Speakers

Here are a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking quotes from various Muslim speakers related to the topic of preparing for marriage, from their social media networks as well as from lectures they have given. The quotes come in different flavors, from the internal to the external elements that are necessary to consider when one is on …

Sharing Your Secret: How to Confide in Someone You Trust – Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 Last night I turned back to my unwanted sexual behaviors – again. As bad as it sounds, my routine afterwards had become almost automatic. Immediately after, I’d clear my history and delete any traces of content I had watched, take a shower, and then stand in prayer. The anguish would …