When you’re in a relationship, it’s crucial that you and your partner have each other’s interests in mind. It takes a lot of trust and loyalty to make it work, which is why it can be so devastating when you experience betrayal. When this betrayal manifests itself sexually, whether it’s cheating or watching pornography, it …
Why Can’t I Ever Forget? Understanding PTSD And Sexual Betrayal
One of the most devastating things that can happen in a relationship is sexual betrayal. Whether it’s infidelity through cheating or something else like porn addiction, the impacts of these actions can have a profound and long-lasting effect on both of you. Today we wanted to take a moment to understand how sexual betrayal can …
Why Do So Many Practicing Muslims Struggle With Porn?
Let me paint a picture for you. I’m in my 20s, I’m an active member of my Muslim community through a variety of organizations and I’m well-liked by my peers. Uncles and aunties rely on me as a speaker in the community and expect for me to be an inspiration to their children. My peers …
Married and Having Trouble Lowering Your Gaze? Here Is What You Are Missing
Brother Saleh had been successfully abstinent from watching pornography for two weeks straight. Saleh said, “I’ve been able to go to sleep early, at the same time as my wife 50% of the time these past two weeks. I feel more refreshed, I’m able to work out more, I recently started training with a personal …
12 Marriage Prep Advice Gems from Popular Muslim Speakers
Here are a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking quotes from various Muslim speakers related to the topic of preparing for marriage, from their social media networks as well as from lectures they have given. The quotes come in different flavors, from the internal to the external elements that are necessary to consider when one is on …
Caught Your Child Watching Pornography? It’s Not a Surface Level Problem
Br. Mostafa caught his teenage sons accessing pornography on more than one occasion. In a desperate attempt to seek advice and help for his sons, Br. Mostafa reached out to me at a strategy session at Purify Your Gaze. Br. Mostafa shared a bit about the family dynamics and the stress around finances and re-establishing …
Sharing Your Secret: How to Confide in Someone You Trust – Part 2
Part 1 | Part 2 For those of us trying to break the habit of pornography usage, isolation is something we are well acquainted with. In part 1 of this article, we saw that the reason we isolate ourselves from others is founded in the fear of those around us finding out about our habits. …
Sharing Your Secret: How to Confide in Someone You Trust – Part 1
Part 1 | Part 2 Last night I turned back to my unwanted sexual behaviors – again. As bad as it sounds, my routine afterwards had become almost automatic. Immediately after, I’d clear my history and delete any traces of content I had watched, take a shower, and then stand in prayer. The anguish would …
Ashley Madison – A Muslim Perspective On The Scandal And The Underlying Reasons Why People Cheat
Purify Your Gaze Team: Assalamu ‘alaikum, this is Maria Khan, the Content Manager at Purify Your Gaze. Joining us today is Zeyad Ramadan, who is the Founder of Purify Your Gaze and a Strategic Interventionist coach. Insha Allah, we will first introduce what Purify Your Gaze is and then move on to the discussion of …
Photoshopped Princess vs Princess Piety: Putting Marriage in Perspective – Part 2
Part I | Part II In Part 1, Br. AliDentity broke down some misconceptions we often have about our ideal future spouse and showed us some key ingredients that will lead to successful marriages. These included having pure intentions in the process of marriage, staying connected to our purpose and developing self-love, which will allow …