1,000 Strong For Sexual Health Education And Intervention Within The Muslim Community

1,000 Strong For Sexual Health Education And Intervention Within The Muslim Community

Join a special group of monthly donors who are helping empower Muslim youth to embrace their sexuality with knowledge and to make choices around sex that are in line with our Islamic traditions.


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Why Sexual Health Education And Intervention For Muslims

Young Muslims are not getting the proper education about sexual health at home or at their local mosque due to taboo. This absence in guidance is leading many Muslim youths to:

  • Pick up damaging ideas, unhealthy attitudes, and misunderstandings from porn, culture and peers that are damaging to self and others and stand in contradiction to Islam.
  • Engage in sexual activity before marriage due to peer pressure or trying to fit in.
  • Become addicted to pornography and develop severe mental illness that impairs with the quality of their life and the lives of those around them.
  • Be at risk for exposure to sexually transmitted diseases due to experimentation.
  • Experience relational and sexual problems at the time of marriage that may lead to divorce.

And these effects are not absent from the Muslim community.

Expecting our Muslim youth with their natural desires and curiosity around sex to navigate through societal pressures, and be successful in their future relationships, on an Islamic education that amounts to "sex outside of marriage is haram" is a huge disservice to them and to our communities.

""For those who are struggling with a pornography addiction and looking for help or looking to help others in need. I encourage you to check out Purify Your Gaze."- Sh. Yaser Birjas, Imam of the Valley Ranch Islamic Center.

Who We Are And What We Do

Purify Your Gaze is the first and only organization that has created a safe and anonymous platform for Muslims globally seeking support and treatment from pornography addiction.

Since 2009, we’ve been able to reach 57,000 Muslims seeking resources for recovery and we’ve been able to assist more than 2,000 in our programs.

Over the course of nine years and seeing our work reach and support 57,000 Muslims impacted by pornography addiction we've uncovered a staggering statistic from one of our research studies with 1,024 participants...

82% of those exposed to pornography never spoke to an adult in their life about it or were spoken to about sexuality from an Islamic perspective or the harms of pornography. .

We want to change that which is why we are launching the 1,000 Strong campaign, an initiative focused on these three main themes:

  1. Counseling And Support For Muslims Impacted By Pornography Addiction

  2. Outreach To Islamic Schools And Mosques With Training For Educators And Youth Leaders

  3. Research, Publishing, And Promotion Of Original Content On Sexual Health For Muslims

It's due time we stop young Muslims from becoming another statistic and we openly engage and educate them on sexual well being grounded within our Islamic values and traditions. .

It's due time that we embrace their curiosity and answer the questions that they have on sexual, relational and reproductive health..

Where Your Monthly Support Will Be In Action

Your support will help ensure that all of our content and resources produced will be free, top-quality and accessible for all. Funds collected will be allocated to the following needs:.

  • Outreach to Islamic schools and mosques in United States, Canada, Britain, and Australia to conduct on the ground needs assessment and study of Muslim youth and their challenges, concerns, frustrations around sexual health education.
  • Train religious educators and youth leaders at Islamic schools and mosques to facilitate sexual health education discussions and know how to screen for addictions to pornography.
  • Provide comprehensive professional support to Muslim youths and families impacted by pornography addiction.
  • Engage Muslim mental and relational health professionals and Muslim scholars to produce top quality, evidenced based videos and material answering the questions of Muslim youths around sexual, relational, and mental well being that are grounded within Islamic traditions.
  • Organize live workshops that destigmatize sensitive behavioral and mental health challenges and facilitate productive conversations across communities.

To achieve our goals at the scale of impact and the continued timeline we need 1,000 monthly supporters giving at least $30 per month this next year.


Praise For Purify Your Gaze

"Purify Your Gaze is run by a brother who I know personally and have referred people to over the years. I highly encourage anyone who is able to, to please support this very important initiative so that they continue to do the incredible work they do and help as many people in our community as possible. We are fortunate to have such a service in our community that deals directly with this problem."Hosai Mojaddidi, Mental Health For Muslims
"I have always wished for an Islamic website that would treat this issue seriously and cater to my needs. Non-muslim websites are informative to an extent, but I feel that this website really understands the cultural and religious dilemma I face. Purify Your Gaze is filling in a big gap for the Ummah - a bridge between the perfection of Islam & modern science and personal development methods that I can relate to, and implement in my life."- A.M, Purify Your Gaze Subscriber
"Pornography - I even feel icky writing the word, but it's a serious issue in today's world. I recall discussing at our Islamic School if we should bring up the topic in our middle school health class. There was obvious hesitation, but when we asked the Islamic studies teachers how old were they the first time they were exposed it was 11 years old! (accidentally, but still that would've been 10+ years ago and in religious families). Kudos to Zeyad Ramadan and his team for stepping up and tackling this difficult issue!"Chris Abdur-Rahman Blauvelt, LaunchGood.com

Become A Monthly Supporter

Join a special group of monthly donors who are helping empower Muslim youth to embrace their sexuality with knowledge and to make choices around sex that are in line with our Islamic traditions.